
Product: Sea Level Anomalies (SLA)
Version: 33
Mission: Sentinel-3B (SAR)

Parameter Description
jday.00 Julian Day
Julian Day Epoch 2000.0 (2000-01-01 12:00:00 UTC)
Julian Day 2000 values are truncated in MVA after 5-digits!
glon.00 Longitude
Source: SGDR/NTC
Original-Parameter: lon
glat.00 Latitude
Source: SGDR/NTC
Original-Parameter: lat
sla.33 Sea Level Anomalies
CLS11, EOT11a, DAC, MMXO16
- Orbit Status and Quality Flags (oflags.00)
- Satellite Altitude above TOPEX Ellipsoid (hsat.00)
- Instrument Status and Quality Flags (iflags.00)
- Undefined parameter (etide.00)
- Mean Sea Surface Height from CLS2011 (mssh.04)
- Inverse Barometer Effect from DAC (AVISO) (invb.05)
- Smoothed ionospheric correction based on ionos.00 (ionos.06)
- Undefined parameter (dtrop.00)
- Undefined parameter (wtrop.00)
- Undefined parameter (oer.66)
- Altimeter Range (ralt.00)
- Ocean Load Tide Correction of EOT11a (ltide.15)
- Ocean Tide Correction of EOT11a (otide.15)
- Undefined parameter (ptide.00)
- Undefined parameter (emb.00)
gflags.33 Geophysical Corrections Quality Flags
- Fractional Ice Concentration from NSIDC (fic.01)
- Smoothed ionospheric correction based on ionos.00 (ionos.06)
- Undefined parameter (dtrop.00)
- Undefined parameter (wtrop.00)
- Undefined parameter (oer.66)
- Undefined parameter (emb.00)
oflags.00 Orbit Status and Quality Flags
iflags.00 Instrument Status and Quality Flags

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