
Product: ALES Sea Surface Heights (SSH_ALES)
Version: 55
Mission: Jason-2 (Extended Mission)

Parameter Description
jday.00 Julian Day
Julian Day Epoch 2000.0 (2000-01-01 12:00:00 UTC)
Julian Day 2000 values are truncated in MVA after 5-digits!
glon.00 Longitude
Source: SGDR-D
Original-Parameter: lon
glat.00 Latitude
Source: SGDR-D
Original-Parameter: lat
ssh.55 Sea Surface Heights
based on ALES and DTU15
- Land Ocean Flags from GMT (lwmask.00)
- Mean Sea Surface Height from DTU15 (mssh.05)
- Undefined parameter (sla.55)
stdalt.05 RMS of Altimeter Range
RMS of Altimeter Range from ALES Retracker
swh.05 Significant Wave Height
Significant Wave Height from ALES Retracker
mssh.05 Mean Sea Surface Height
Mean Sea Surface Height from DTU15
Source: DTU
otide.15 Ocean Tide Correction
Ocean Tide Correction of EOT11a
Reference: DGFI-Report No.89: Savcenko R, Bosch W.: EOT11a - empirical ocean tide model from multi-mission satellite altimetry, 2012
ltide.15 Ocean Load Tide Correction
Ocean Load Tide Correction of EOT11a
Reference: DGFI-Report No.89: Savcenko R, Bosch W.: EOT11a - empirical ocean tide model from multi-mission satellite altimetry, 2012
distance.00 Distance to Coast
Interpolated on grid 0/360/-90/90 and resolution 0.01
Source: NASA
sflag.55 Geophysical Corrections Quality Flags
- Undefined parameter (gflags.55)
- Land Ocean Flags from GMT (lwmask.00)
- Undefined parameter (sla.55)
oflags.00 Orbit Status and Quality Flags
iflags.05 Instrument Status and Quality Flags
ALES Retracker

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