Recordmaps by Mission

Mission Cryosat-2 (SAR, Extended Mission)
MVA-Name cryosatE_em_sar_hf
Source SGDR-E
Frequency 20


Pos Size Scaling Unit Name Version Specific Description
1 2 -3 m emb Sea State Bias
A sea state bias correction must be added (negative value) to the instrument range to correct this range measurement for sea state delays of the radar pulse. This element should not be used over land.
Sea State Bias background model derived from Cryosat-2 GOP Baseline-C (SAR) ocean retracker and fitted via LSQ 2-degree polynomial surface. SWH, Sigma0 (for wind speed computation) derived from instr.04. Limitation: ssb>0, ssb set to 0
Source: Model from Cryosat-2 GOP Baseline-C
Original-Parameter: swh_ocean_01_ku, wind_speed_alt_01_ku, sea_state_bias_01_ku


Pos Size Scaling Unit Name Version Specific Description
1 +4 - sec isec Integer Seconds Elapsed Since Epoch
2 +4 -6 sec msec Microseconds, Fractional Part of isec
3 +4 -3 m ralt Altimeter Range
4 +2 -3 m stdalt RMS of Altimeter Range
5 2 -2 m swh Significant Wave Height
6 +2 -2 m stdswh RMS of Significant Wave Height
7 +2 -2 db sigma0 Backscatter Coefficient
8 +1 -1 m/s windsp Wind Speed
9 +1 - - iflags Instrument Status and Quality Flags


Pos Size Scaling Unit Name Version Specific Description
1 +4 - sec isec Integer Seconds Elapsed Since Epoch
Source: instr.01 (Cryosat-2 ICE Baseline-E (SAR))
- Integer Seconds Elapsed Since Epoch (isec.01)
2 +4 -6 sec msec Microseconds, Fractional Part of isec
Source: instr.01 (Cryosat-2 ICE Baseline-E (SAR))
- Microseconds, Fractional Part of isec (msec.01)
3 +4 -3 m ralt Altimeter Range
Range from SAMOSA+ (sampy) Retracker
Source: From instr.01 (Cryosat-2 ICE Baseline-E (SAR))
- Altimeter Range (ralt.01)
4 +2 -3 m stdalt RMS of Altimeter Range
Source: instr.01 (Cryosat-2 ICE Baseline-E (SAR))
- RMS of Altimeter Range (stdalt.01)
5 2 -2 m swh Significant Wave Height
Significant Wave Height from SAMOSA+ (sampy) Retracker
Source: Significant Wave Height from SAMOSA+ (sampy) Retracker
- Significant Wave Height (swh.01)
6 +2 -2 m stdswh RMS of Significant Wave Height
Source: instr.01 (Cryosat-2 ICE Baseline-E (SAR))
- RMS of Significant Wave Height (stdswh.01)
7 +2 -2 db sigma0 Backscatter Coefficient
Source: From instr.01 (Cryosat-2 ICE Baseline-E (SAR)) + Envisat sigma nought bias added (3.04 [db])
- Backscatter Coefficient (sigma0.01)
8 +1 -1 m/s windsp Wind Speed
sigma0 > 30 db, wind set to 0; sigma0 < 3 db, wind set to NaN
Source: Backscatter coefficient from instr.04 converted to wind speed via Envisat wind model
- invalid format (.)
- invalid format (.)
- invalid format (1080/01490419.2012)
9 +1 - - iflags Instrument Status and Quality Flags
Source: instr.01 (Cryosat-2 ICE Baseline-E (SAR))
- Instrument Status and Quality Flags (iflags.01)

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