Recordmaps by Mission

Mission Sentinel-6A (HR)
MVA-Name sentinel6a_HR_NTC_F08_hf
Source NTC/F08
Frequency 20


Pos Size Scaling Unit Name Version Specific Description
1 2 -3 m doppler Doppler Correction
One-way Doppler range correction due to satellite altitude rate effectively compensated during delay/Doppler processing.
Source: NTC/F08
Original-Parameter: data_20/ku/range_cor_doppler


Pos Size Scaling Unit Name Version Specific Description
1 2 -3 m emb Sea State Bias
Sea state bias correction derived from Ku-band. A sea state bias correction must be added (negative value) to the instrument range measurement to correct it for sea state bias delays of the radar pulse
Source: NTC/F08
Original-Parameter: data_01/ku/sea_state_bias


Pos Size Scaling Unit Name Version Specific Description
1 +4 - sec isec Integer Seconds Elapsed Since Epoch
It contains the seconds since 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00. Time is in UTC. Time refers to the instant the L1B waveform (which is a combination of echoes for both LR and HR) touches the surface. Whenever a leap second occurs, the attribute leap_second will be set to the appropriate value
Source: NTC/F08
Original-Parameter: data_20/ku/time
2 +4 -6 sec msec Microseconds, Fractional Part of isec
It contains the seconds since 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00. Time is in UTC. Time refers to the instant the L1B waveform (which is a combination of echoes for both LR and HR) touches the surface. Whenever a leap second occurs, the attribute leap_second will be set to the appropriate value
Source: NTC/F08
Original-Parameter: data_20/ku/time
3 +4 -3 m ralt Altimeter Range
Range computed from the ocean retracker. It includes all instrumental corrections from net_instr_cor_range_ocean
Source: NTC/F08
Original-Parameter: data_20/ku/range_ocean
4 +2 -3 m stdalt RMS of Altimeter Range
5 2 -2 m swh Significant Wave Height
SWH computed from the ocean retracker. It includes all instrumental corrections from net_instr_cor_swh_ocean
Source: NTC/F08
Original-Parameter: data_20/ku/swh_ocean
6 +2 -2 m stdswh RMS of Significant Wave Height
7 +2 -2 db sigma0 Backscatter Coefficient
Backscatter coefficient computed from the ocean retracker. It includes all instrumental corrections from net_instr_cor_sig0_ocean and sig0_scaling_factor as well as the atmospheric attenuation correction.
Source: NTC/F08
Original-Parameter: data_20/ku/sig0_ocean
8 +1 -1 m/s windsp Wind Speed
9 +1 - - iflags Instrument Status and Quality Flags
Source: NTC/F08
Original-Parameter: data_20/ku/swh_ocean, data_20/ku/range_ocean
2: swh_ocean in [0,32767]
128 : range_ocean = nan


Pos Size Scaling Unit Name Version Specific Description
1 +4 - sec isec Integer Seconds Elapsed Since Epoch
It contains the seconds since 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00. Time is in UTC. Time refers to the instant the L1B waveform (which is a combination of echoes for both LR and HR) touches the surface. Whenever a leap second occurs, the attribute leap_second will be set to the appropriate value
Source: NTC/F08
Original-Parameter: data_20/ku/time
2 +4 -6 sec msec Microseconds, Fractional Part of isec
It contains the seconds since 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00. Time is in UTC. Time refers to the instant the L1B waveform (which is a combination of echoes for both LR and HR) touches the surface. Whenever a leap second occurs, the attribute leap_second will be set to the appropriate value
Source: NTC/F08
Original-Parameter: data_20/ku/time
3 +4 -3 m ralt Altimeter Range
Corrected OCOG altimeter range. This includes the instrumental corrections in tracker_range_calibrated.
Source: NTC/F08
Original-Parameter: data_20/ku/range_ocog
4 +2 -3 m stdalt RMS of Altimeter Range
5 2 -2 m swh Significant Wave Height
6 +2 -2 m stdswh RMS of Significant Wave Height
7 +2 -2 db sigma0 Backscatter Coefficient
Backscatter coefficient computed from OCOG retracking. It includes all calibrated instrument gains from L1B power_scaling_to_antenna plus geometry and antenna gain from sig0_scaling_factor
Source: NTC/F08
Original-Parameter: data_20/ku/sig0_ocog
8 +1 -1 m/s windsp Wind Speed
9 +1 - - iflags Instrument Status and Quality Flags
Source: NTC/F08
Original-Parameter: data_20/ku/swh_ocean, data_20/ku/range_ocean
2: swh_ocean in [0,32767]
128 : range_ocean = nan


Pos Size Scaling Unit Name Version Specific Description
1 2 -3 m ionos Ionospheric correction
Ionospheric correction derived from the LR altimeter measurements and valid over ocean and lake surfaces only. A ionospheric correction must be added (negative value) to the instrument range measurement to correct it for the ionospheric delays of the radar pulse
Source: NTC/F08
Original-Parameter: data_01/iono_cor_alt


Pos Size Scaling Unit Name Version Specific Description
1 2 -3 m ionos Ionospheric correction
GIM ionospheric correction, computed from GPS ionospheric data. A ionospheric correction must be added (negative value) to the instrument range measurement to correct it for the ionospheric delays of the radar pulse
Source: NTC/F08
Original-Parameter: data_01/ku/iono_cor_gim


Pos Size Scaling Unit Name Version Specific Description
1 2 -3 m ionos Ionospheric correction
Smoothed ionospheric correction derived from the LR altimeter measurements and valid over ocean and lake surfaces only, using an iterative process based on median and Lanczos filtering. A ionospheric correction must be added (negative value) to the instrument range measurement to correct it for the ionospheric delays of the radar pulse
Source: NTC/F08
Original-Parameter: data_01/iono_cor_alt_filtered


Pos Size Scaling Unit Name Version Specific Description
1 +4 -6 deg glon Longitude
Longitude of measurement [0, 360). East longitude relative to Greenwich meridian
Source: NTC/F08
Original-Parameter: data_20/ku/longitude
2 4 -6 deg glat Latitude
Latitude of measurement [-90, +90]. Positive latitude is North latitude, negative latitude is South latitude
Source: NTC/F08
Original-Parameter: data_20/ku/latitude
3 +4 -3 m hsat Satellite Altitude
Altitude of the satellite center of mass above the reference ellipsoid (WGS84).
Source: NTC/F08
Original-Parameter: data_20/ku/altitude
4 +1 - - oflags Orbit Status and Quality Flags
Source: NTC/F08
Original-Parameter: data_20/ku/surface_classification_flag, data_20/ku/altitude
16 : surface_classification_flag != 0
128 altitude == nan


Pos Size Scaling Unit Name Version Specific Description
1 2 -2 db sig0_scaling Sigm0 Scaling Factor
The scaling factor in order to retrieve sigma-0 from L1B waveform. It includes the antenna gains and all the geometry factors satellite-surface, according to the radar equation. It is not applied to the l1b waveforms. It has to be applied to the re-tracked value of the (power_waveform*waveform_scale_factor)
Source: NTC/F08
Original-Parameter: data_20/ku/sig0_scaling_factor


Pos Size Scaling Unit Name Version Specific Description
1 2 -3 m dtrop Dry Tropospheric Correction
Dry troposphere correction. Computed from 3d meteorological fields at measurement altitude, at the altimeter time-tag from the interpolation of 2 meteorological fields that surround the altimeter time-tag. A dry tropospheric correction must be added (negative value) to the instrument range measurement to correct it for the dry tropospheric delay of the radar pulse
Source: NTC/F08
Original-Parameter: data_01/model_dry_tropo_cor_measurement_altitude


Pos Size Scaling Unit Name Version Specific Description
1 2 -3 m wtrop Wet Tropospheric Correction
Wet tropospheric correction derived from the on-board radiometer and valid over ocean surfaces only. A wet tropospheric correction must be added (negative value) to the instrument range measurement to correct it for the wet tropospheric delays of the radar pulse. Computed from a combination of AMR and HRMR measurements.
Source: NTC/F08
Original-Parameter: data_01/rad_wet_tropo_cor


Pos Size Scaling Unit Name Version Specific Description
1 2 -3 m wtrop Wet Tropospheric Correction
Wet troposphere correction. Computed from 3d meteorological fields at measurement altitude, at the altimeter time-tag from the interpolation of 2 meteorological fields that surround the altimeter time-tag. A wet tropospheric correction must be added (negative value) to the instrument range measurement to correct it for the wet tropospheric delays of the radar pulse
Source: NTC/F08
Original-Parameter: data_01/model_wet_tropo_cor_measurement_altitude


Pos Size Scaling Unit Name Version Specific Description
1 +4 -3 m uralt Tracker Range
This is the 1-way distance from the satellite`s center of mass to the middle of the range window (sample ns/2 from 0). It includes the following range calibrations: (a) range_corr_internal_delay_cal, (b) range_corr_internal_delay_diff, (c) range_corr_external_group_delay, (d) range_corr_com. Note: the actual altimeter clock (variable `altimeter_clock_ku`) has been used to compute the altimeter range
Source: NTC/F08
Original-Parameter: data_20/ku/tracker_range_calibrated


Pos Size Scaling Unit Name Version Specific Description
1 2 -24 db scale_power Waveform Scaling Factor for Ku-Band Backscatter Coefficient
The L1B waveform scaling factor, computed in order to best fit each waveform within 2 bytes. The scaling, needed to convert the L1B waveform into Watt, is applied as follows: power_waveform_watt(time, ns) = power_waveform(time, ns) * waveform_scale_factor(time)
Source: NTC/F08
Original-Parameter: data_20/ku/waveform_scale_factor

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