Mission | Sentinel-6A (HR) |
MVA-Name | sentinel6a_HR_NTC_F08 |
Source | NTC/F08 |
Frequency | 1 |
Pos | Size | Scaling | Unit | Name | Version Specific Description |
1 | 2 | -3 | m | emb | Sea State Bias
Sea state bias correction derived from Ku-band. A sea state bias correction must be added (negative value) to the instrument range measurement to correct it for sea state bias delays of the radar pulse Source: NTC/F08 Original-Parameter: data_01/ku/sea_state_bias |
Pos | Size | Scaling | Unit | Name | Version Specific Description |
1 | +4 | - | sec | isec | Integer Seconds Elapsed Since Epoch
It contains the seconds since 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00. Time is in UTC. Time refers to the instant the L1B waveform (which is a combination of echoes for both LR and HR) touches the surface. Whenever a leap second occurs, the attribute leap_second will be set to the appropriate value Source: NTC/F08 Original-Parameter: data_01/time |
2 | +4 | -6 | sec | msec | Microseconds, Fractional Part of isec
It contains the seconds since 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00. Time is in UTC. Time refers to the instant the L1B waveform (which is a combination of echoes for both LR and HR) touches the surface. Whenever a leap second occurs, the attribute leap_second will be set to the appropriate value Source: NTC/F08 Original-Parameter: data_01/time |
3 | +4 | -3 | m | ralt | Altimeter Range
Range computed from the ocean retracker. It includes all instrumental corrections from net_instr_cor_range_ocean Source: NTC/F08 Original-Parameter: data_01/ku/range_ocean |
4 | +2 | -3 | m | stdalt | RMS of Altimeter Range
Standard deviation of 20 Hz measurements. Compression of the 20 Hz measurements is preceded by a detection of outliers. Only valid 20 Hz values are used to compute this 1 Hz measurement. Source: NTC/F08 Original-Parameter: data_01/ku/range_ocean_rms |
5 | 2 | -2 | m | swh | Significant Wave Height
SWH computed from the ocean retracker. It includes all instrumental corrections from net_instr_cor_swh_ocean Source: NTC/F08 Original-Parameter: data_01/ku/swh_ocean |
6 | +2 | -2 | m | stdswh | RMS of Significant Wave Height
Standard deviation of 20 Hz measurements. Compression of the 20 Hz measurements is preceded by a detection of outliers. Only valid 20 Hz values are used to compute this 1 Hz measurement. Source: NTC/F08 Original-Parameter: data_01/ku/swh_ocean_rms |
7 | +2 | -2 | db | sigma0 | Backscatter Coefficient
Standard deviation of 20 Hz measurements. Compression of the 20 Hz measurements is preceded by a detection of outliers. Only valid 20 Hz values are used to compute this 1 Hz measurement. Source: NTC/F08 Original-Parameter: data_01/ku/swh_ocean_rms |
8 | +1 | -1 | m/s | windsp | Wind Speed
Wind speed at 10 m height derived from altimeter measurements. A calibration bias of -4.37 dB has been added to the Ku-band backscatter coefficient (sig0_ocean) before computing the wind speed. Should not be used over land. Source: NTC/F08 Original-Parameter: data_01/wind_speed_alt |
9 | +1 | - | - | iflags | Instrument Status and Quality Flags
Source: NTC/F08 Original-Parameter: data_01/range_ocean_numval, data_01/rain_flag, data_01/rad_sea_ice_flag Flags: 2: swh_ocean_rms in [0,32767] or swh_ocean in [0,32767] or swh_ocean_rms/swh_ocean > 0.1 8: range_ocean_numval < 12 64 : rain_flag != 0 or rad_sea_ice_flag != 0 128 : range_ocean = nan || ralt == range_ocean_rms |
Pos | Size | Scaling | Unit | Name | Version Specific Description |
1 | 2 | -3 | m | ionos | Ionospheric correction
Ionospheric correction derived from the LR altimeter measurements and valid over ocean and lake surfaces only. A ionospheric correction must be added (negative value) to the instrument range measurement to correct it for the ionospheric delays of the radar pulse Source: NTC/F08 Original-Parameter: data_01/iono_cor_alt |
Pos | Size | Scaling | Unit | Name | Version Specific Description |
1 | 2 | -3 | m | ionos | Ionospheric correction
GIM ionospheric correction, computed from GPS ionospheric data. A ionospheric correction must be added (negative value) to the instrument range measurement to correct it for the ionospheric delays of the radar pulse Source: NTC/F08 Original-Parameter: data_01/ku/iono_cor_gim |
Pos | Size | Scaling | Unit | Name | Version Specific Description |
1 | 2 | -3 | m | ionos | Ionospheric correction
Smoothed ionospheric correction derived from the LR altimeter measurements and valid over ocean and lake surfaces only, using an iterative process based on median and Lanczos filtering. A ionospheric correction must be added (negative value) to the instrument range measurement to correct it for the ionospheric delays of the radar pulse Source: NTC/F08 Original-Parameter: data_01/iono_cor_alt_filtered |
Pos | Size | Scaling | Unit | Name | Version Specific Description |
1 | +4 | -6 | deg | glon | Longitude
Longitude of measurement [0, 360). East longitude relative to Greenwich meridian Source: NTC/F08 Original-Parameter: data_01/longitude |
2 | 4 | -6 | deg | glat | Latitude
Latitude of measurement [-90, +90]. Positive latitude is North latitude, negative latitude is South latitude Source: NTC/F08 Original-Parameter: data_01/latitude |
3 | +4 | -3 | m | hsat | Satellite Altitude
Altitude of the satellite center of mass above the reference ellipsoid (WGS84). Source: NTC/F08 Original-Parameter: data_01/altitude |
4 | +1 | - | - | oflags | Orbit Status and Quality Flags
Source: NTC/F08 Original-Parameter: data_01/depth_or_elevation, data_01/rad_surface_type_flag, data_01/surface_classification_flag, data_01/altitude Flags: 2 : depth_or_elevation > -2000 4 : depth_or_elevation > -200 8 : rad_surface_type_flag != 0 16 : surface_classification_flag != 0 128 altitude == nan |
Pos | Size | Scaling | Unit | Name | Version Specific Description |
1 | 2 | -3 | m | dtrop | Dry Tropospheric Correction
Dry troposphere correction. Computed from 3d meteorological fields at measurement altitude, at the altimeter time-tag from the interpolation of 2 meteorological fields that surround the altimeter time-tag. A dry tropospheric correction must be added (negative value) to the instrument range measurement to correct it for the dry tropospheric delay of the radar pulse Source: NTC/F08 Original-Parameter: data_01/model_dry_tropo_cor_measurement_altitude |
Pos | Size | Scaling | Unit | Name | Version Specific Description |
1 | 2 | -3 | m | wtrop | Wet Tropospheric Correction
Wet tropospheric correction derived from the on-board radiometer and valid over ocean surfaces only. A wet tropospheric correction must be added (negative value) to the instrument range measurement to correct it for the wet tropospheric delays of the radar pulse. Computed from a combination of AMR and HRMR measurements. Source: NTC/F08 Original-Parameter: data_01/rad_wet_tropo_cor |
Pos | Size | Scaling | Unit | Name | Version Specific Description |
1 | 2 | -3 | m | wtrop | Wet Tropospheric Correction
Wet troposphere correction. Computed from 3d meteorological fields at measurement altitude, at the altimeter time-tag from the interpolation of 2 meteorological fields that surround the altimeter time-tag. A wet tropospheric correction must be added (negative value) to the instrument range measurement to correct it for the wet tropospheric delays of the radar pulse Source: NTC/F08 Original-Parameter: data_01/model_wet_tropo_cor_measurement_altitude |