Recordmaps by Mission

Mission Jason-2 (Extended Mission)
MVA-Name jason2_em_hf
Source SGDR-D
Frequency 20


Pos Size Scaling Unit Name Version Specific Description
1 +4 - sec isec Integer Seconds Elapsed Since Epoch
2 +4 -6 sec msec Microseconds, Fractional Part of isec
3 +4 -3 m ralt Altimeter Range
4 +2 -3 m stdalt RMS of Altimeter Range
5 2 -2 m swh Significant Wave Height
6 +2 -2 m stdswh RMS of Significant Wave Height
7 +2 -2 db sigma0 Backscatter Coefficient
8 +1 -1 m/s windsp Wind Speed
9 +1 - - iflags Instrument Status and Quality Flags


Pos Size Scaling Unit Name Version Specific Description
1 4 -3 m ssh Sea Surface Heights
based on ALES and DTU15
- Land Ocean Flags from GMT (lwmask.00)
- Mean Sea Surface Height from DTU15 (mssh.05)
- Undefined parameter (sla.55)
2 +1 - - sflag Geophysical Corrections Quality Flags
- Undefined parameter (gflags.55)
- Land Ocean Flags from GMT (lwmask.00)
- Undefined parameter (sla.55)

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